G S Security Guard Co., Ltd.
Standards of Security
G S Security Guard Co., Ltd. Has a clear management policy and operational standards. To raise the level of competence, develop the potential of employees at all levels to meet the standards as specified by the company. To raise the level of competence, develop the potential of employees at all levels to meet the standards set by the company The company has set standards for various operations. Used in the following management.
- The Security Company Standard We are a company that is legally registered under the Security Business Act B.E. 2558, therefore having a binding obligation to be responsible for the duty of providing security services as required by law. The company has to be fair in hiring employees in the company. Provide welfare, accommodation, social security Damage deposit Advance money as well as having OT, holiday money and extra money by various important periods to encourage employees in the company to love the organization. Born of pride Satisfy their career and perform their duties in providing security services to clients that are truly objective. To achieve maximum satisfaction
- Your reliable service 24 hours a days, so that employers can be assured that they will receive quality and speedy service as specified. We focus on the quality of the security personnel. To get efficiency The best effectiveness of general security and service, as well as the best performance audit, evaluation, improvement and after-sales service for the employer. The company has an audit department to assess the quality of the security service every month, making the employer rest assured that we have followed up and if there is any problem in the department, the company can take action to resolve the problem promptly li >
- Standards for selecting quality people We have a standard of recruitment of personnel to work in security as required by law, who must have no previous record of wrongdoing or committing crimes through background checks by the Royal Thai Police and are capable of both Physically and mentally to meet the needs of the company.
- The security guard is responsible for controlling the time in – out. In the work of employees according to the orders of the employer to prevent fraud
- Open-close the entrance-exit to the building or place as specified by the employer
- Has the duty to turn on-off the electricity according to the time specified by the employer.
- In the middle of night, the security guards are required to patrol the area within the area responsible for every 1 hour.
- Any agency that has a supervisor overseen, a supervisor is required to monitor the duty of all security personnel at various points.
Take care to prevent fires. All security personnel entering their security duties are required to undergo basic firefighting training to be used in real-world situations. It became unmistakable, causing enormous damage.
- The security guards have to record daily incident reports on duty every 1 hour to report to the employer on a daily basis, if there is a problem in the performance of the security duty will find a solution. Such transactions are shared between the employer and the company. Duties and responsibilities mentioned above It is only part of the duties and responsibilities. The security guards must also strictly adhere to a part of the orders that are in compliance with the duties and policies of the employer.